Thursday, December 2, 2010

Your Sept/Oct WOD definitions

Ladies! Below you'll find our agreed-upon definitions for our first list of WODs. Study these for your first WOD quiz which will take place on Monday afternoon, December 13th! (I've also sent these definitions to you in an email.)

  1. Exacerbate (v) to make a bad situation/neg. feeling worse
  2. Plethora (n) an excess amount of something; overabundance
  3. Invective (n) an insulting/abusive word or expression
  4. Epitome (n) archetype; a perfect/typical example of
  5. Soliloquy (pn) the act of talking while or as if alone (theater)
  6. Arcane (adj) understood by few; obscure
  7. Pariah (n) an outcast
  8. Resilient (adj) able to recover/rebound quickly
  9. Stoic (adj) unmoved by joy or grief; emotionless
  10. Chagrin (n) embarrassment after failing; humiliation
  11. Capitulate (v) to surrender under agreed terms; to give-in/cave in
  12. Inadvertently (adj) not achieved thru deliberate planning; not on purpose
  13. Reiterate (v) to repeat; to say again
  14. Innocuous (adj) harmless; inoffensive
  15. Peruse (v) to read thru with care; to browse; to examine
  16. Contraption (n) device, gadget, machine or appliance
  17. Efficacious (adj) effective; efficient; producing the desired result
  18. Temerity (n) excessive boldness, carelessness, and impulsiveness
  19. Serendipity (n) good luck; random beneficial happenings
  20. Prolific (adj) reproducing in large numbers; fruitful, productive, abundant

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