Thursday, January 14, 2010

Your December Vocabulary Definitions

Quiz = Friday, January 22nd

  1. Creed~ (n) a system/main points of religious beliefs; a set of beliefs that guides someone’s actions.
  2. Tacit~( adj) implied; unspoken but understood
  3. Erudition~(n) advanced learning or scholarship
  4. Squalid~(adj) an extremely dirty/unpleasant place due to poverty; wretched, gross; foul
  5. Palpable~(adj) obvious, apparent, tangible
  6. Prodigal~(adj) recklessly extravagant, having or giving on a lavish scale (over the top)
  7. Jubilant~(adj) great joy or triumph, rejoicing (super happy)
  8. Charlatan~(n) a cheat, con artist, imposter, a person who pretends to have knowledge/skill
  9. Emphatic~(adj) strongly expressive, forcefully insistent
  10. Circumvent~(v) to go around or bypass
  11. Perspicacious~(adj.) having keen/sharp mental perception/understanding; observant
  12. Malleable~(adj.) adaptable/can be shaped; easily influenced: pliable
  13. Portend~(v) to be a sign/a warning that is likely to happen (as an omen)
  14. Inclined~(v) to favor; at a slope (physical); to lean towards doing something
  15. Materialize~(v) to emerge; to come into being; to become real/concrete
  16. Havoc~(n) disaster; confusion; disorder; devastation; destruction; chaos
  17. Befuddled~(v) perplexed; bewildered; baffled; dazed; confused
  18. Quip~(n) a witty/sarcastic remark
  19. Magnanimous~(adj.) generous/forgiving towards a rival/someone less powerful:
  20. Serendipitous~(adj.) happy/lucky event; random good fortune

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