Wednesday, November 18, 2009

October Word Definitions

1. Intrinsic (Adj) True, Real, or native; basic, fundamental, essential.
2. Caprice (n) a sudden, unpredictable change of mood/ behavior, impulsive decision; whim.
3. Ubiquitous (adj) seeming to be everywhere at once, widespread, omnipresent.
4. Masochistic (adj) Sexual pleasure for abuse, domination, or humiliation; gaining pleasure from ones own pain.
5. Sanctimonious (adj) self-righteous, acting as if one is morally superior.
6. Inexorable (adj) not easily moved, stubborn, unbending, cruel.
7. Camaraderie (n) the spirit of friendship, brotherhood, sisterhood, companionship.
8. Rancor (n) bitter, deep-seated ill-will, resentfulness, hatefulness.
9. Cantankerous (adj) disagreeable, argumentative, grumpy, crotchety, peevish.
10. Ideology (n) a system of ideas or ideals, belief that guides an individual or large group.
11. Sycophant (n) flatterer, suck up, butt kisser
12. Propitious (adj) favorable; easy to deal with; presenting favorable circumstances
13. Taciturn (adj) inclined to silence; reserved with speech
14. Diatribe (n) a bitter abusive verbal attack or criticism
15. Tangible (adj) real or able to be felt; perceptible by touch
16. Harangue (n/v) a scolding; a long harsh speech; to scold
17. Cajole (v) to persuade by flattery or promises
18. Dissident (n/adj) a person who opposes official policy; protester; rebellious
19. Nebulous (adj) hazy, vague, confusing or unclear
20. Petty (adj) of little or no importance; narrow or small minded

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