Friday, December 5, 2008

December Vocabulary Lists

Below you'll find your words to define for December. Remember to be sure to work with the right list!! We'll go over our words on Friday, December 12th and then have our December quiz on Thursday, December 18th! Fun for all!!

Look up each word, note its definition (I’m looking for short, pithy definitions/synonyms) and then use it in a sentence that demonstrates that you understand the meaning of the word. You may use any form of the word you like.


1. Potentate
2. Coquettish
3. Anecdote
4. Ignominy
5. Palpable
6. Ostentatious
7. Unctuous
8. Ecclesiastical
9. Plagiarism
10. Buoyant
11. Reprobate
12. Epoch
13. Iconoclastic
14. Blatant
15. Rhetorical
16. Eclectic
17. Capitulate
18. Truncated
19. Tractable
20. Agnostic


1. Recalcitrant
2. Fastidious
3. Dogma
4. Imminent
5. Vacuous
6. Requisition
7. Slovenly
8. Antagonistic
9. Verbose
10. Lethargic
11. Vicarious
12. Unobtrusive
13. Perverse
14. Sanguine
15. Truncated
16. Emulate
17. Proxy
18. Equanimity
19. Neophyte
20. nullify

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