Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday, October 29th

Language Arts: watched two self esteem videos and started outlines for our 6-paged self esteem essay

Math/Science: motion detector graphs


A&W: learned dances, played Mafia

Art: worked on project

HW Collected: Math Practice Sheet, POW #4

HW Assigned: self esteem outline done by next Friday

Have a GREAT weekend! Spend some time on homework, some time with friends, and some time just by yourself!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 28th

Community Jobs/Study Hall: worked on jobs and homework

Theme: work time

A&W: self defense with Jessie

Spanish: entrada, vaya a pescar, hace tiempo

Science: DNA/Genetics Test

Reading Workshop: reading, WODS, got peer editors

HW Collected: Perfect World, Core B Letter About Literature, Core B letter to Sally

HW Assigned: Core B Spanish (check spanish blog!), Core B peer edits due next Thursday

Remember... wear your costume tomorrow (if you want)! Also, don't forget the two math assignments!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 27th

Art- Worked on our journal entries (due on Monday!) and art pieces

SJCU- Went over Henrietta Lacks packet


HW Collected: SJCU reading


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 26th

Math- did more work on green notes

Social Studies- finished notes on Christianity and started on Islam notes

A&W (B)- self defense with Jessie

Spanish (A)- entrada,

Science (B)- DNA/Genetics Test and homework time

RW (A)- reading

HW Collected: Letter to Sally, A's turned in rough draft letter

HW Assigned: Math- Two Step Practice Sheet (in the physical Absent Binder) due on Friday the 29th, Spanish- animals and weather due next week, RW- revised rough draft

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, October 25th

Math- updated notes, and elaborated on y=m x + b, "texas two step"
Spanish- entrada (see Spanish blog), got new notes, watched a video
Theme- met with groups and had work time
Science- our DNA results are back and we got to see who we are most similar to- visit
Math- worked on POW #4

HW Collected: POW #3, Vocab #2, signed Progress Report, signed Geography Test

Have a great day!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

POW #4

Shortest Path

Twenty five dots are arranged in a 5 x 5 grid, horizontally and vertically aligned. What is the length of the shortest path that can connect the twenty-five dots. The vertical and horizontal distance between any two adjacent dots is 1 unit.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Letters About Literature Assignment


It's gotten back to me that some of you feel confused / uninformed about the Letters About Literature assignment that I went over with you in Reading Workshop in the week of September 27th. See the email I sent to your SGS account for the attachments, etc. and I'll give you a brief tutorial here so that you can be ready with your rough draft of this letter at the beginning of Reading Workshop next week. You might also want to check out the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) part of the Letters About Literature website at in order to have a fuller understanding of what works and what doesn't.

Just briefly, here are my guidelines for this assignment:

• Word process AND double space your letter
• Remember that your letter is to be between 300-600 words (that's NOT very long, so make sure you don't ramble!)
• Have your rough draft of your letter printed out and ready to exchange with a peer editor at the beginning of Reading Workshop next week (Tuesday for Core A / Thursday for Core B)

Here are the guidelines included on the LAL entry form:

Select a fiction or nonfiction book, a short story, poem, essay or speech (sorry, no song lyrics) you have read and about which you have strong feelings. Explore those feelings and why you reacted the way you did during or after reading the author’s work. Consider one or more of these questions when writing your letter:

• Did the characters, conflict or setting mirror your life in some way? If so, how? If not, why not?
•What strengths or flaws do you share with a character or characters in the book?
•What did the book show you about your world that you never noticed before?
•What surprised you about yourself while you were reading this book? Why was this work meaningful to you?
Your letter need not answer all of these questions, of course. These are just starting points to spark ideas.

When writing your letter, be sure to avoid the temptation to write a "fan letter."

Write honestly and in your own voice, as if you were having a conversation with the author. Those are the best letters to read and the most fun to write! Keep in mind these two tips:
•Correspond, don’t compliment! Your letter should inform rather than flatter the author.
•Do not summarize the book’s plot! The author wrote the book and knows what happened. What the author doesn’t know is how the book affected you.

In the aforementioned email I also re-attached the winning letters from this past year that I shared with you in class (and then sent you in an email) so you can get an idea of what the judges seem to go for!

I have the feeling that we just might win this year...but then, that's up to you!!!

Have fun with this!

PS Here is an overview of the deadlines with regards to this project so you can effectively plan ahead:

Week of October 25: rough draft due at the beginning of your Reading Workshop session (peer editors will be assigned at this time)

Week of November 1: Edited responses due at the beginning of your Reading Workshop session

Tuesday, November 9: ALL Revised Rough Drafts of Letter due to Sally

Week of November 29: You'll receive Sally's edit/comments on your letters

Monday, December 6: All Final Drafts due to Sally along with a completed entry form

Letters will be mailed on Thursday, December 9th!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October, Wednesday 20th

Art-Work on individual project (Kyle emailed back feedback on doc. about end of year project.)
SJCU- Talked about SJCU reading (got MORE SJCU reading.) Watched 5 clips on racism.

Homework for monday!
Vocab #2 sentences and definitions due
Geography test signed
math test signed
Vocab test signed and brought to LTM

Genetics test (b)
letter to sally
Rough draft letter about literature

SJCU reading
SJCU interview

Perfect world
Genetics test (b)


Your First WOD vocabulary list

Ladies! It's Sally...I sent you an email with your first 20 WODs which we'll quiz once we've agreed upon good definitions, etc. But I'll also cut and paste the instructions and words here, just in case you're not down with the funky email beat!

See you in Reading Workshop (finally!!) next week to answer any questions you may have!!

Look up each word, note its definition (I’m looking for short, pithy definitions/synonyms) and then use it in a sentence that demonstrates that you understand the meaning of the word. You may use any form of the word you like.
Due: Tuesday, November 9th.

1. exacerbate
2. plethora
3. invective
4. epitome
5. soliloquy
6. arcane
7. pariah
8. resilient
9. stoic
10. chagrin
11. capitulate
12. inadvertently
13. reiterate
14. innocuous
15. peruse
16. contraption
17. efficacious
18. temerity
19. serendipity
20. prolific

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Math-Rolercoster problem
A&W (b) or spanish (a)
LA- Synopses of perfect world, Learned about future projects, worked on perfect world
science-Quiz on genetics for big test next thursday.

Homework due tomorrow!!!
SJCU reading packet chapters 4 and 7
Science- Muppet mating
Pow or due first thing Monday
3 more WOD's for this week

Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18th, 2010

Absent binder:
geography-Next country's test on Africa.
Spanish-Made book about our selfs, for LTM's
Math-Worked on brain rules,
Science-Muppet mating,

Muppet mating draw baby, you and person you mated with and mate with muppets
Math POW due Wednesday or first thing Monday
Book about us! (spanish)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

POW #3

Using the diagram, place the numbers 1 to 10 in the circles so that the sums in the rows of three circles are the same and the sums in the rows of four circles are the same.


Julia makes stools and tables in her workshop. At the end of a long day, she has made 35 legs. If each stool has 3 legs and each table has 4 legs, and the legs are all identical, how many stools and tables can she now assemble?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, October 15th

Math (math graffiti and corrected peer POWs)
Science (muppet mating)
L.A. (Celebration of Knowledge and work time)
Affinity Fair

HW: L.A. Celebration of Knowledge #1 collected
HW: Quiz corrections, corrected POWs collected

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, October 14th

Schedule (copy from the white board):

SH/ Community Jobs

A A&W B Spanish

Reading presentation

What You Missed:

Good Books to read

Basketball (A)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday October 13, 2010

Schedule (copy from the white board):




What You Missed:
Art- time to work on visual journal
SJCU- Close reading

HW Assigned :

Class: SJCU Read Chapters 4&7 Due: 10-20-10

Class: SJCU institutionalized rasism interview Due: 10-27-10


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday October 12, 2010

Schedule (copy from the white board):

Social Studies


B A&W A Spanish

What you missed:

Geography test

HW Collected/Corrected In Class:

HW Assigned :

Class: Math Corrections Due Date: Friday october 15


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 7th

Schedule (copy from the white board):


Community Jobs

A A&W B Spanish

What you missed:

HW Collected/Corrected In Class:
Love Letter

HW Assigned :

Class: Science Muppet worksheet Due Date: core A 10-14-10 core B 10-12-10

Class: Due Date:

Class: Due Date:


Muppet hand out

Theme Leaning Contract


Muppet Mating

Friday, October 1, 2010

POW #2

Watch the following video (beware, video includes maggots!):

What are you curious about after watching? Create a math question and answer it.


The radius of circle O is 7 cm. Angle AOC measures 110 degrees. What is the area of the shaded region to the nearest tenth?


Real-life Golf Problem- Andy works for the WIAA, the organization that puts on the high school state tournaments. Below is a problem they encountered at work one week.

Context: The golf teams at the high schools in Whatcom and Skagit counties have a scheduling problem. We are trying to create a schedule that allows each school to compete against all of the other schools an equal number of times or at least fairly equal, plus or minus one match.

Scenario: Fourteen schools play a match every week for six weeks. Every week seven schools play at one course, while the other seven compete at another course.

Questions: Can a schedule be designed so that each school competes against all 13 other schools an equal number of times? Is there more than one solution? How can the schedule be created?