Monday, March 29, 2010

POW #13

Choose one of the following POW's:


In a certain village live 800 women. Three percent of them are wearing one earring. Of the other 97 percent, half are wearing two earrings and half are wearing none. What is the total number of earrings being worn by the women?


There are 26 students in your class (including yourself). Every student shakes hands with exactly one-half of the students in the room. What is the minimum number of handshakes that occurred?

Prove it with a picture, table, or equation/rule (or all three!)

Hint: First try this problem with smaller numbers to find a pattern and then apply your pattern to the above situation.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Summer Reading Recommendations Assignment

Your summer reading list recommendation

Due date: Monday, May 17, 2010

In order to compile an SGS Summer Reading Suggestions (List) that is relevent for Middle School girls, I’ve decided to solicit suggestions from YOU…the soon-to-be SGS graduates! Sooo…here’s what I need you to do:

1. Think about all the titles you’ve read this year and choose one that seems to stand out as a GREAT read.
2. Submit it as your personal recommendation, using the following format:

a. State your name, followed by the word “recommends…”
b. Bold and italicize the title of the book you’re recommending
c. Do not bold or italicize the author’s name…but do put “by” in front of it!

SHORT ANNOTATION (plot description and/or rating)
a. indent your short annotation paragraph
b. check it carefully for spelling and punctuation errors
c. tell enough of the story to hook the reader but not spoil the story

AN EXAMPLE: (font = Geneva, size 12)

Sally McLaughlin recommends…Toning the Sweep by Angela Johnson
Grandmama Ola is dying of cancer, so her granddaughter Emily and her daughter Diane go down to the desert to help Ola pack up her life, her friendships, and her memories. This story is a lyrical examination of three women’s lives, memories and thoughts on life and death.

Your assessment for this assignment will be based on the following considerations:
1. whether you submit your recommendation on time
2. whether you write a thoughtful and engaging annotation for your title
3. whether you correctly follow the format outlined above.

1. When you’ve completed this assignment, email Sally a Word Document copy of your recommendation to

…and YES…you may suggest more than one book!! If you do, please add “also” to your phrase, as in Sally McLaughlin also recommends…

February WOD definitions

February Words Vocabulary Quiz = Friday morning, March 26th

1. Malign (v) to speak harmful lies, to shame, to speak evil of
2. Impetus (n) a moving force; an impulse, motivation
3. Disdain (n/v) despising something or someone that’s inferior, to think unworthy of notice
4. Supercilious (a) disdainful or contemptuous; arrogantly superior, snotty, high and mighty
5. Malignant (a) dangerous, harmful, even fatal in influence or effect
6. Insinuation (n) an unpleasant hint or a suggestion of something bad
7. Ignominy (n) disgrace, dishonor, public contempt
8. Expunge (v) to erase or remove completely, to delete
9. Faux pas (n) a blunder, to slip in manners or conduct
10. Irascible (a) easily angered or provoked; grumpy, cranky
11. Enthrall (v) to captivate or charm, capture the attention of
12. Rectify (v) to correct or remedy, to set straight
13. Permeate (v) to pass into or through, to soak through, to spread throughout
14. Deprecate (v) to express disapproval of, to protest against, to denounce, to criticize harshly
15. Asinine (a) foolish, stupid, unintelligent, mindless, of or like an ass
16. Albeit (conj.) Although, even if/though, not withstanding
17. Vestige (n) visible evidence of something no longer present/in existence; remains of
18. Perilous (a) full of danger or risk, hazardous
19. Aspersion (n) an attack on another’s reputation or integrity (to cast aspersions), a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism
20. Curt (a) rudely brief, to retort in an abrupt manner, concise

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Three Minute Film Contest

Check out this film short competition that SIFF and the Seattle Times are hosting. The challenge is to shoot a 3 minutes or less video using your phone! There is even an under 18 years old category. Entries are due April 26. Sound like fun? Read more here Fledging Filmakers

Friday, March 5, 2010

Your February Vocabulary Words

Ladies! Please have your definitions ready in Reading Workshop on Tuesday, March 16th and Thursday, March 18th, depending on your core. The quiz will take place on Friday morning, March 26th!

1. Malign
2. Impetus
3. Disdain
4. Supercilious
5. Malignant
6. Insinuation
7. Ignominy
8. Expunge
9. Faux pas
10. Irascible
11. Enthralled
12. Rectify
13. Permeate
14. Deprecate
15. Asinine
16. Albeit
17. Vestige
18. Perilous
19. Aspersion
20. curt