February Words Vocabulary Quiz = Friday morning, March 26th
1. Malign (v) to speak harmful lies, to shame, to speak evil of
2. Impetus (n) a moving force; an impulse, motivation
3. Disdain (n/v) despising something or someone that’s inferior, to think unworthy of notice
4. Supercilious (a) disdainful or contemptuous; arrogantly superior, snotty, high and mighty
5. Malignant (a) dangerous, harmful, even fatal in influence or effect
6. Insinuation (n) an unpleasant hint or a suggestion of something bad
7. Ignominy (n) disgrace, dishonor, public contempt
8. Expunge (v) to erase or remove completely, to delete
9. Faux pas (n) a blunder, to slip in manners or conduct
10. Irascible (a) easily angered or provoked; grumpy, cranky
11. Enthrall (v) to captivate or charm, capture the attention of
12. Rectify (v) to correct or remedy, to set straight
13. Permeate (v) to pass into or through, to soak through, to spread throughout
14. Deprecate (v) to express disapproval of, to protest against, to denounce, to criticize harshly
15. Asinine (a) foolish, stupid, unintelligent, mindless, of or like an ass
16. Albeit (conj.) Although, even if/though, not withstanding
17. Vestige (n) visible evidence of something no longer present/in existence; remains of
18. Perilous (a) full of danger or risk, hazardous
19. Aspersion (n) an attack on another’s reputation or integrity (to cast aspersions), a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism
20. Curt (a) rudely brief, to retort in an abrupt manner, concise