January Words Vocabulary Quiz = Friday afternoon, February 26th
1. Paroxysm- n. Sudden violent action
2. Insipid- adj. Lacking flavor; lacking vigor or interest; dull or uninteresting
3. Inundated- v. to flood, overwhelm, to immerse, to overflow, to submerge
4. Berate- v. to scold, to criticize, to give one hell
5. Superfluous- adj. extravagant, spending more than necessary; needless, extra
6. Truculent- adj. cruel, brutally harsh, aggressively hostile, hateful, fierce
7. Panacea- n. a medicine, a remedy for all disease, an answer/solution for all probs.
8. Perjure- v. to give a false testimonies, to lie under oath, to fib
9. Lackluster- adj. lacking liveliness spirit or enthusiasm, dull
10. Convivial- adj. friendly, fun-loving, agreeable, merry
11. Taut – adj. pulled tight, not slack, tense, drawn
12. Caricature – noun, picture, exaggerated features,
13. Mitigate – verb, to make less severe serious, painful,
14. Lugubrious – adj. look or sound sad, or dismal, gloomy or mournful
15. Pallid – adj. pale, faint or deficient in color, feeble, insipid
16. Timorous – adj. fear, lack of confidence, timid
17. Erroneous – adj. mistaken, incorrect wrong, error,
18. Surreptitious – adj. obtained, done, secret
19. Asunder- adverb/adj. in pieces, apart, divided, widely separated
20. Vapid – adj. not stimulating, boring, lacking liveliness or having lost life,