Sunday, February 28, 2010

POW #13

There are 26 students in your class (including yourself). Every student shakes hands with exactly one-half of the students in the room. What is the minimum number of handshakes that occurred?

Prove it with a picture, table, or equation/rule (or all three!)

Hint: First try this problem with smaller numbers to find a pattern and then apply your pattern to the above situation.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Your January Word Defintions

January Words Vocabulary Quiz = Friday afternoon, February 26th

1. Paroxysm- n. Sudden violent action
2. Insipid- adj. Lacking flavor; lacking vigor or interest; dull or uninteresting
3. Inundated- v. to flood, overwhelm, to immerse, to overflow, to submerge
4. Berate- v. to scold, to criticize, to give one hell
5. Superfluous- adj. extravagant, spending more than necessary; needless, extra
6. Truculent- adj. cruel, brutally harsh, aggressively hostile, hateful, fierce
7. Panacea- n. a medicine, a remedy for all disease, an answer/solution for all probs.
8. Perjure- v. to give a false testimonies, to lie under oath, to fib
9. Lackluster- adj. lacking liveliness spirit or enthusiasm, dull
10. Convivial- adj. friendly, fun-loving, agreeable, merry
11. Taut – adj. pulled tight, not slack, tense, drawn
12. Caricature – noun, picture, exaggerated features,
13. Mitigate – verb, to make less severe serious, painful,
14. Lugubrious – adj. look or sound sad, or dismal, gloomy or mournful
15. Pallid – adj. pale, faint or deficient in color, feeble, insipid
16. Timorous – adj. fear, lack of confidence, timid
17. Erroneous – adj. mistaken, incorrect wrong, error,
18. Surreptitious – adj. obtained, done, secret
19. Asunder- adverb/adj. in pieces, apart, divided, widely separated
20. Vapid – adj. not stimulating, boring, lacking liveliness or having lost life,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

POW #12

POW #12
Choose one of the following problems:

#1 Super Ball

A Super Ball rebounds half the height from the height it is dropped. One day, Darin drops a Super Ball from the roof of the school. If the roof is 32 feet off the ground, what is the total distance (up and down) that the ball will have traveled when it strikes the ground for the sixth time?

#2 Consumer Interview

A certain product is sold as either a liquid or a powder. Consumers were interviewed, and a survey revealed that—

1/5 do not use the product,
1/3 do not use the powder form,
427 use both the liquid and powder form, and
2/7 do not use the liquid form.

How many consumers were there in all?