Theme Goals
o Experience how to take on a new area of learning and practice engaging and immersing yourself in your interest.
o Learn how to manage your time goals and your project goals- you will track your goals over time, reflect, shift and reshape them.
o Create deep and meaningful questions that change over time as you explore your topic.
o Make connections with one another about your topics finding similarities and overlaps.
o Be reflective about how you learn.
Now until December 10th- 9 weeks total, 3 hours a week
Step 1- Immersion and Question and Group Forming (3 class periods)
Research possible topics and write questions that interest you. The goal of this step is to move from good questions to better questions that help you create a theme unit that is engaging and though provoking.
Step 2- Learning Contract (1 period)
Write a Learning Contract that give your advisor an idea of what you will be pursuing in your area of interest for six weeks. What are your big questions and what types of learning activities will help you answer those questions?
Step 3- Work and Reflect Weekly (6 weeks)
Engage in your learning activities whether they are research based or experiential based. Dig deeper with your topic and engage. For example, you might go on a field trip, talk to an expert, watch a documentary, build something, read articles and books, etc.
Step 4- Present Snapshot of Learning (Last week of Theme- December 7-11)
You will present a snapshot of your process of engaging in your theme. What types of things did you do to answer your big questions? Show us the artifacts in your box that represent your immersion in your topic.
Here’s what we are looking forward to…
- This is about how well you learn- all about your learning process!
- You will not be expected to take a test/give a presentation at the end- this is not about the product, but instead, the process.
- There needs to be artifacts to show your process of learning over the term.
- We will have weekly one-on one check ins (with your academic advisor)
What do you need to turn in each week? Answer the following in an email to your advisor:
In your subject line of you email write - Your NAME- theme- week ___ (fill in with the week #)
Answer the following questions in your email:
- What did you learn this week? What are your “take aways” or things you learned or experienced this week that are memorable? ?(Minimum 3 sentences)
- What new questions do you have? (Minimum 3 sentences)
- What is the vibe in your group? (As much space as you need, no minimum)